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Noise2Net Noise Monitoring Station
Sound Level Meters / n2n
nor150_Nor150: Sound and Vibration Analyzer
Noise2Net Koffer

Noise2Net Noise Monitoring Station

Noise2Net is the easy-to-use measuring system dedicated for the acoustic measurements in outdoors.

The measurement system is suitable for mounting indoors as well as outdoors and is easy to set up and operate: calibrate the microphone and start the measurement. A weather station can be included in the system.

  • Sound level analyzer Norsonic 140
  • Computer with N2N-Webapplikation
  • LAN-connecor for intranet
  • weatherproof microphone Norsonic 1217
  • all-weather housing for mobile or stationary use
  • online data transfer
  • evaluation software with data presentation on the web
  • Starting from a minimal configuration, the system can be upgraded at any time. Thus functions such as frequency analysis can always be retrofitted.
  • The online sound pressure level measurement system transmits the sound level meter’s measurement data in 1/10 dB and 1/20 seconds resolution in regular intervals to a web server via a UMTS-modem.
  • When exceeding a certain sound level, audio recording can be triggered. The recording is also transmitted to the web server, from where it can be retrieved. Simultaneously, a – due to the quantity of data, but also for reasons of data protection – highly compressed JPG file of a photograph can be forwarded to the web server and be displayed in the level records.
  • The system consists of an embedded personal computer, which comes in a solid all-weather casing together with the sound level measuring unit Norsonic 140, an external microphone unit, and, if needed, a meteorological station, as well as a GPS-module for location determination.
  • With regard to software as well as hardware the system is modular in design, and can therefore be adapted to particular requirements within the bounds of possibility.
Noise2Net Koffer


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