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Calibration Laboratory
Verification & Calibration / calibration
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Calibration Laboratory

We are Austria’s first and only calibration body for sound level meters!

We are Austria’s first and only calibration body for sound level meters!

In order to be in a position to assess sound level meters according to the above mentioned standards in foreign countries, an <strong>internationally accepted entitlement as an accredited calibration body is required.

On November 16th, 2012, we were handed over the accreditation certificate with the ID number 0624 as the first Austrian company ever by the Federal Ministry for Economy, Family and Youth.

Hence we can offer our services for international customers as well. For domestic customers, our service offering as a calibration body is as well attractive. In the case that a not calibrate able system shall be used for internal measurements that require the traceability to a normal according to ISO 9001, the system can be examined in our calibration laboratory.

You can find detailed information about scope of accreditation here.


What is now the difference between verifying and calibrating?

Both are referencing to the same measurement standards. Indeed there are some significant differences:

  • The validity of a verification body is national while a calibration body is internationally accepted.
  • A verification assesses conformity, i.e. whether or not a device complies with the standard. A calibration does not assess conformity.
  • A verification is valid for two years while a calibration is without expiry as it references only to the date of the examination.
  • A verification indicates the measurement maximal measurement uncertainty only while a calibration indicates the exact measurement uncertainty for every measurement.
  • The verification tolerances are fixed by law while the calibration tolerances are defined by the user.
  • A verification is obligatory by law and any violation may be subject to prosecution. A calibration is a voluntary examination which is obligatory for all organisations certified according to ISO 9001 (traceability to national reference standards).
  • A verification is certified by means of a verification sheet and a sticker on the device. A calibration is certified by means of a calibration sheet which contains all measurement values.
  • Only measurement equipment with a clearance for verification by the national metrological authority may be subject to verification. In contrary, all measurement equipment may be subject to calibration in the case the calibration laboratory is technically equipped.
  • The authority responsible for verifications is the national metrological authority (Bundesamt für Eich- und Vermessungswesen), while the authority responsible for calibration is the Federal Ministry for Economy, Family and Youth.

Accredited calibration of vibration transducers

Our target is to offer the best available service to our customers. Therefore since November 16th, 2012 we established an internationally accepted entitlement as an accredited calibration body for sound level meters according to the accreditation certificate by the Federal Ministry for Economy, Family and Youth.

To expand our service we installed a calibration system also for accelerometers and vibration transducers. After a deep and detailed market study we selected the company SPEKTRA Schwingungstechnik und Akustik GmbH Dresden. Since the formation of the company Spektra has put its focus and effort on Calibration systems.

As we are also sales partner and representative of company Spektra in Austria we can offer all types of accredited calibration like Calibration of geophones (one and 3 axes), calibration of shock transducers and many more.


  • Secondary calibration according to ISO 16063-21 (comparison method) of charge type, ICP®, voltage, capacitive and piezo-resistive sensors for acceleration, velocity and displacement, with Sine excitation with high accuracy
  • Secondary calibration of reference standard accelerometer
  • Secondary calibration of vibration calibrators

Range of use:

  • Certified calibration laboratories
  • Departments for the supervision of measuring instruments (automotive, aviation, space, military)
  • Quality assurance in sensor production


  • Traceable to Physikalisch Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) Braunschweig by the accredited SPEKTRA Calibration Laboratory D-K-15183-01-00 (DAkkS Calibration Certificate)
  • Calibration of sensors with / without amplifiers, measurement instruments with indication of their own by applying of determinate acceleration signals
  • Calibration of calibrators by exact measurement of vibration quantities
  • Frequency range from 3 Hz to 10 kHz
  • Sensor mass up to 500 gram
  • Repeatability under identical conditions up to 5 kHz &lt; 0.2 %, otherwise less than 0.5 %
  • Upgradeable to a combined Sine calibration system, e.g. type CS18 VLF / MF
  • Continuous frequency sweep for consistency check of vibration sensors


  • Vibration control system SRS-35, SPEKTRA
  • Power amplifier PA 14 -180, SPEKTRA
  • Vibration exciter SE-10
  • Internal reference standard accelerometer BN-09
  • Standard-PC

For detailed technical specifications, calibration prices, delivery times and terms of shipment please ask our calibration team.


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