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Category Archives :Vibration Sensors
Home / Vibration Sensors

DYTRAN Precision transducers for Research & Development

DYTRAN Precision transducers for Research & Development Dytran Inc. has more than 30 years experience in manufacturing high quality, piezoelectric accelerometers, force and pressure sensors. Sensors with integrated electronics and power output are known as an industry standard IEPE (Internal Electronics Piezo Electric) throughout the world. But there are different producer-names for the same the [...]

Nor1292: Tri-axial Geophone

Nor1292: Tri-axial Geophone The triaxial geophone Nor1292 is a sensitive transducer for vibration velocity based on a rugged geophone construction used by seismologists and geophysicists for decades. One main application is for the measurement of vibrations in buildings. The frequency response is essentially flat from the resonance frequency 4,5 Hz and up to at least [...]

Semex-Engcon – Menhir

Semex-Engcon -Menhir MENHIR is a high performance and versatile platform for civil engineering, structural dynamics and seismic monitoring applications requiring easy-to-use but highly reliable instrumentation solutions. Besides the outstanding measurement performance MENHIR is a very intuitive instrument for quick deployment and remote access and configuration. MENHIR comes in a very compact but robust form factor [...]

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