CATT is an acronym for Computer Aided Theater Technique since theater lighting and decor CAD programs were the first CATT products in 1986. Since 1988, CATT has concentrated on software for acoustics prediction/auralization (CATT-Acoustic) and FIR reverberation tools (The FIReverb Suite).
Room acoustics prediction, in general, is the process where, using geometrical acoustics, octave-band echograms are predicted based on a 3D CAD model of a room. Frequency dependent material properties (absorption, scattering and transmission coefficients) are assigned to room surfaces and frequency dependent source directivities are assigned to sound sources. From this information echograms and a great number of numerical measures of e.g. speech intelligibility, and reverberation times can be estimated. It is also possible to post-process the echograms to create room impulse responses for Auralization.
- v9.0 is the 7th major version for Windows (v6.0 June 1996 (16-bit), v6.1 March 1997 (16-bit), v7.0 Feb 1998, v7.1 Oct 1998, v7.2 Oct 1999, v8.0 Feb 2002) and a range of significant v8.0 updates have been released since 2002, v9.0 June 2011). The new CATT TUCT™ was released in March 2010 see overview).
- CATT 3D-viewer based on OpenGL
- CATT PL9-viewer (a stand-alone viewer to complement the built-in viewer)
- A customized text editor communicating with the main application
- A range of external tools for file format conversions and similar
- Context sensitive help
- A comprehensive manual (printed + PDF)
32-bit Windows MDI application for Windows XP/Vista/7 with four modules and direct link to CATT TUCT™ that handles all prediction and aurlization (see overview). The programs are 32-bit but run well under 64-bit Windows versions:
- modeling
- directivity
- surface properties
- PL9-file viewing/WAV-file playing
The full auralization version also includes:
- CATT-Walker™ for real time walktrough auralization
- WalkDecim for walktrough convolution path decimations
- The FIReverb Suite™
- ReflPhinder™