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NorMonit 1022: for Noise Monitoring
Reporting Software / nor1022
NorProtector 1025: Software to Determine the Optimal Hearing Protection
NorBuild 1028: Building Acoustics Measurements

NorMonit 1022: for Noise Monitoring

NorMonit version 5.x is the fifth generation of the control and data management software for noise monitoring applications. It is expandable from a simple system to a complex, multi-channel system. The flexibility of the program makes it possible for the system to be configured for almost any application in the field of noise monitoring.

  • Automatic measurement and storage of noise data, sound and video recording, weather data and GPS remote control of monitoring stations on the basis of Nor118, Nor121, Nor140 or Nor1520.
  • Support of various communication media such as 3G, WLAN, LAN, GPRS, GSM, ADSL, USB and RS232
  • Flexibility in selecting the measured variables; support of all relevant measurement parameters
  • Data can be stored as files or in an SQL database
  • Automatic calibration of the weatherproof microphone and creation of a calibration log file
  • Automatic real-time clock synchronization between the controller PC and the measuring stations
  • Data management with integrated backup procedures
  • Up to five different settings of the noise monitoring stations per day
  • Each day can be treated individually


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