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Nor279: Impact ball
Noise sources / nor279
Nor280Nor280: Power Amplifier
nor278_Nor278: Reference sound source for Sound Power measurements

Nor279: Impact ball

To be used as the “Rubber Ball “ alternative to the Tapping Machine Excitation method in accordance with the ISO 16283-2 Appendix A.2 and the ISO 10140-5 Appendix F.2.

Fulfill the requirements for a “standard heavy impact source” as given in the Japanese JIS A 1418-2:2000 Standard for impact sound insulation.


  • Hollow sphere ball
  • Outside diameter 178mm and thickness 32mm
  • Silicone rubber material
  • Equivalent mass 2,5 kg (+/- 0,1kg)
  • Coefficient of restitution at 0,8 (+/- 0,1)
  • Rubber hardness 40o (+/- 5o)


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