Nor850: Distributed Multichannel System

Nor850: Distributed Multichannel System
Norsonic is introducing a new concept in multichannel measurements; the Nor850 Distributed Multichannel System.
By connecting a number of individual measuring units through various communication channels, the user may create the optimal multichannel system for any task. Dedicated user-friendly application packages for various uses are available, and the system control is done with a PC running the latest state-of-the-art Windows platform.
Individual units for each measuring channel offers a very high degree of operating flexibility. It allows the user to operate a multichannel system one day – and many individual measuring units another day!
Choose between any mix of measuring units:
The software Nor850 Suite is connecting a variable number of individual measuring units to create the optimal system that suits any measurement task. Dedicated user-friendly offer the following application packages:
- General Analyzer
- Building Acoustics
- Sound Power
- Sound Intensity
- Appliance Noise
The Nor850-MF1 rack is designed to contain up to 10 measurement channels. Each channel module has the same features and specifications as the Nor140, but can only be remotely controlled from the Nor850 Suite via LAN interface. For wireless connection, a router is attached to the LAN connector. The rack is powered by 115/230 Vac or by 12Vdc.
The Nor850-MF1 rack is delivered with a selectable number of measurement channels, and may be upgraded with additional channels as the needs grow. Multiple racks may be used in the same system alternatively in a mix with Nor140 or Nor150 Sound Level Meters as additional frontends. Optionally, selected channels may be fitted with signal generator outputs.
The user-friendly and innovative calculation and reporting features in the Nor850 may be used as individual modules for post-processing of individual measurement files. This feature is available for the building acoustics, sound power and sound intensity modes.
Measurements taken manually by use of the Norsonic Sound Level Meters Nor140 or Nor150 are imported easily into the reporting modules. Level, reverberation or background measurement files are included into the respective table folders by simple drag&drop technique. Even complete building acoustics files containing all data in one file may be imported.
The full range of Standards for building acoustics such as the in-situ ISO 16283, laboratory ISO 10140 and the national version such as Americal ASTM Standards, are selectable. Calculation properties as well as informative text for the excel reports are inserted and edited for the final calculation of the sound insulation indices or sound power value.
Customers may enhance their Nor850 Reporting system to a full-blooded Nor850 Measurement system at any time.