Scan & Listen

Scan & Listen
Human ears only hear sound pressure, with Scan & Listen particle velocity is now also made audible! Human ears are like traditional microphones sensitive to scalar value / omni directional sound pressure.
The Microflown however is sensitive for vector value / directional acoustic particle velocity. A combination of a Microflown with the Scan & Listen device are making our ears capable of listening to particle velocity! Listen to what nobody heard before. Listen to what you want to hear in situations with background noise and reflections. Locating sound sources in a practical environments can be difficult. Especially in situations with non-stationary sources, transient noises, like squeak & rattle. Just listening to particle velocity can give you better results than extensive, detailed FFT analysis!
Performing quick scans instead of time consuming series of measurements an intuitive method for source finding and is found in the Scan & Listen method. Also acoustic leakages can be detected fast and accurately with the system. Quick, fast and mobile are keywords for Scan & Listen. Its mobility is practical, simple and handheld. The system also has the option to record simultaneously while listening. The system includes a background noise reducing headphone ( passive -45 dB ), so the signal of particle velocity is even clearer in your ears.
- Direct listening to particle velocity
- Low susceptibility to background noise and reflections
- Easy finding of sources; also non stationary transients such as „squeak & rattle“
- Easy finding of modes / vibration pattern determination
- Easy and quick in use
- Portable