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Environmental and Industrial Noise
Applications / environmental industrial noise
Building AcousticBuilding Acoustic
nor140_Nor140: Sound Level Meter
Environmental And Industrial Noise

Environmental and Industrial Noise

Environmental and Industrial Noise

Noise for those affected is unwanted sound, that may affect you mentally, physically, socially or economically. Its various effects increase with the noise level.

The rising environmental pollution by noise is primarily due to the increasing mobility (cars, trains, planes). But also industrial plants and recreational facilities contribute to noise pollution.

Unlike most other environmental factors no resources (air, water, earth) are polluted by noise. Noise emissions have a direct impact on people.

Modern measurement technology offers the possibility to make precise measurements over long periods. In addition to the classic level measurements raw data recording (sound recording) is getting more and more prominent, moreover new technologies combining level sound and image can help you to locate your sound sources at long distances (Acoustic Camera).

Comfortable software facilitates the evaluation of long-term measurements.

For noise measurements and analysis we offer a comprehensive range of instruments, software and accessories.

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