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Applications / vibration
Laser-Doppler-VibrometerLaser Doppler Vibrometer
Noise Prediction CalculationNoise Prediction Calculation


The periodic oscillation of substances and bodies is called vibration. Vibrations are an important parameter in machinery, buildings and vehicles.

Vibrations also have a big impact on people and they are callled “human vibrations”. Depending on the frequency of vibration and the exposured time first general discomfort and later various symptoms including pain in the abdomen or chest and back pain or headaches could occur. Years of exposure to vibration could lead to spinal and joint damage. In addition vibration induced circulatory disturbances occur, especially in the hands.

The company Laabr offers both general vibration measurements as well as the corresponding human vibration measuring instruments, sensors and evaluation programs. Speciality for the field of human vibrations extremely powerful systems were developed. These are the enforcement of the EU Vibration Directive 2002/44/EC indispensable.

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